How our logo came to be…cute story!
After submitting an application to the IRS for JAIME’S KIDS to become a non-profit, 501 c 3, tax-exempt, Community Charity, it was suggested by Mike Bawol of Bawol Accounting who donated his time and all application cost and fees to obtain the IRS status, that the Wencels come up with a JAIME’S KIDS logo. The logo would be given to a local printer who graciously offered to donate business cards at no cost.
Tom rushed home and gathered up all his drawing supplies. He went into the kitchen to work at the kitchen table where he found the kids already there coloring with crayons. He asked them to move their stuff aside so he could design a logo. After a few feeble attempts to come up with something with the initials for JAIME’S KIDS, he noticed the kids were drawing stick figures of themselves and turned the project over to them. They quickly came up a drawing which was simple and to the point. They designed their own logo. You couldn’t ask for a better logo.