Thank you for supporting our 2018 fundraiser
Our outing was much more successful then I had anticipated, mainly due to the tremendous support we got from our sponsors and family. Also the many many friends of Jaime who came out to enjoy that wonderful day. When Debbie and I started taking care of the kids it was a no-brainer. We gave little thought to the effort it would take to raise 5 children, both time wise and financially. We knew what we had to do. Immediately the help started pouring in. Diapers, cloths, high chairs, car seats, beds and the much needed money. Family, friends and people we didn’t even know would drop off money. We received very generous donations to $5 bills, all very welcomed and needed. For such a long time, a day did not go by when we wouldn’t get card in the mail, a box of diapers, a pack of baby wipes or a much welcomed teary eyed hug. With 2 kids in diapers for over a year, we can humbly say, we have not spent a penny on diapers. We even had a group from our church drop off full meals at our house for weeks. All this was much needed because we had our hands full. I’ll get into more detail when we set up our face book and web site for JAIME’S KIDS. Help from Bethany Jo, American Legion Post 364 Auxiliary, Michigan State Police Metro South, Fairlane Eagles #3861 and many more.
Back to the golf outing. Jaime would be so proud and thankful for all the support you have given to help her kids. Money raised from the outing will help with buying beds, cloths and help with school tuition. Also our latest state mandated obligation, an egress window for our basement. Oh yeah,and a tree house (thanks to Dan Farkas for the home improvement gift cards).
Special thanks to our 50/50 sellers, mother daughter team of Rose & Sam. Michelle Barkoff who got all that Detroit Tiger stuff. Nicole Navarro who took pictures for us all day. The Kvamme family for their Lottery ticket donation. Lisa Hicks-Clayton for her summer time fun basket. Lisa Oshanski and Denise Maxwell for all their help and to all our GOLFERS. And once again a very special thanks to Clare Girard. Couldn’t have had our raffle her.